Hur upprätthålla multi-engine?

Diskussion i 'Certifikat & behörigheter' startad av Jonas, 22 Augusti 2014.

Den här tråden bevakas av 2 medlemmar.
  1. Jonas

    Jonas Moderator Flygfyren Operations

    Vad jag har förstått så gäller EASA PPL certen nu på livstid...

    Hur är det med två-motor behörighet (klass behörighet)? Är inte så insatt. Antar att man gör PC en gång om året även om endast VFR? Vad händer om man inte gör den? Tex man flyger inte ME på några år. Ny uppflygning eller kan man blir behörig igen genom träning och PC (Typ som i USA)?
  2. Staffan

    Staffan Aktiv medlem

    Nu spekulerar jag lite... ME är ju en klass-rating på samma sätt som SE, så samma regler bör ju gälla. Dvs har den förfallit gäller träning efter behov och sen ny PC. Dom ändrade ju reglerna i våras så att det inte längre krävs ny uppflygning om SE förfallit utan bara PC.

    Jag kan återkomma senare i höst, då lär jag ha koll... ;)
  3. DanielW

    DanielW Medlem


    Regler för återupptagande av klass/typbehörighet finner ni i AMC(2011/016/R) till PART-FCL. Eventuell träning avslutas med PC, notera att kraven enligt AMC gäller även för SEPL. and GM to Part-FCL.pdf

    AMC1 FCL.740(b)(1) Validity and renewal of class and type ratings


    (a) Paragraph (b)(1) of FCL.740 determines that if a class or type rating has lapsed, the applicant shall take refresher training at an ATO. The objective of the training is to reach the level of proficiency necessary to safely operate the relevant type or class of aircraft. The amount of refresher training needed should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the ATO, taking into account the following factors:

    (1) the experience of the applicant. To determine this, the ATO should evaluate the pilot’s log book, and, if necessary, conduct a test in an FSTD;

    (2) the complexity of the aircraft;

    (3) the amount of time lapsed since the expiry of the validity period of the rating. The amount of training needed to reach the desired level of proficiency should increase with the time lapsed. In some cases, after evaluating the pilot, and when the time lapsed is very limited (less than 3 months), the ATO may even determine that no further refresher training is necessary. When determining the needs of the pilot, the following items can be taken into consideration:

    (i) expiry shorter than 3 months: no supplementary requirements;

    (ii) expiry longer than 3 months but shorter than 1 year: a minimum of two training sessions;

    (iii) expiry longer than 1 year but shorter than 3 years: a minimum of three training sessions in which the most important malfunctions in the available systems are covered;

    (iv) expiry longer than 3 years: the applicant should again undergo the training required for the initial issue of the rating or, in case of helicopter, the training required for the ‘additional type issue’, according to other valid ratings held.

    (b) Once the ATO has determined the needs of the applicant, it should develop an individual training programme that should be based on the initial training for the issue of the rating and focus on the aspects where the applicant has shown the greatest needs.

    (c) After successful completion of the training, the ATO should give a certificate, or other documental evidence that the training has been successfully achieved to the applicant, to be submitted to the competent authority when applying for the renewal. The certificate or documental evidence needs to contain a description of the training programme.
    • Gillar Gillar x 1
  4. DanielW

    DanielW Medlem

    För er som har IR så regleras detta i samma AMC, men på en annan sida och lite annan text.


    AMC1 FCL.625(c) IR — Validity, revalidation and renewal


    (a) Paragraph (b)(1) of FCL.740 determines that if the instrument rating has lapsed, the applicant shall go through refresher training at an ATO, to reach the level of proficiency needed to pass the instrument element of the skill test prescribed in Appendix 9 to Part-FCL. The amount of refresher training needed should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the ATO, taking into account the following factors:

    (1) the experience of the applicant. To determine this, the ATO should evaluate the pilot’s log book, and, if necessary, conduct a test in an FSTD.

    (2) the amount of time lapsed since the expiry of the validity period of the rating. The amount of training needed to reach the desired level of proficiency should increase with the time lapsed. In some cases, after evaluating the pilot, and when the time lapsed is very limited (less than 3 months), the ATO may even determine that no further refresher training is necessary. The following may be taken as guidance when determining the needs of the applicant:

    (i) expiry for a period shorter than 3 months: no supplementary requirements;

    (ii) expiry for longer than 3 months but shorter than 1 year: a minimum of one training session;

    (iii) expiry for longer than 1 year but shorter than 7 years: a minimum of three training sessions;

    (iv) expiry for longer than 7 years: the applicant should undergo the full training course for the issue of the IR.

    (b) Once the ATO has determined the needs of the applicant, it should develop an individual training programme, which should be based on the initial training for the issue of instrument ratings and focus on the aspects where the applicant has shown the greatest needs.

    (c) After successful completion of the training, the ATO should give a certificate to the applicant, to be submitted to the competent authority when applying for the renewal.
    • Gillar Gillar x 1
  5. Jonas

    Jonas Moderator Flygfyren Operations

    Tack för info Staffan och Daniel!

    Som jag utläser det. Har man inte flugit ME på 3 år så måste man genomgå en anpassad grundkurs igen hos ATO. Man behöver inte göra en ny uppflygning.

    Samma sak gällande IR efter 7 år. Ingen ny uppflygning? Lite överraskad där. Men kanske nytt pga att vi nu kör EASA regler?

    Rätt uppfattat av mig?

  6. DanielW

    DanielW Medlem

    Träning avslutad med PC, inte flygprov.
  7. Jonas

    Jonas Moderator Flygfyren Operations


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